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Polokwane, South Africa— in a heartfelt and intimate gathering, the Family Worship Center Cathedral in Mokopane, Polokwane hosted a remarkable event on one sunny Saturday (December 8, 2024) celebrating the birthday and book launch of Bishop Edward Mahlakgane.
This momentous occasion honored a man whose life has been a testament to selfless service, unwavering faith, and a commitment to nurturing God-fearing families in the community of Mokopane and beyond.
The event was both a thanksgiving celebration and an acknowledgment of Bishop Mahlakgane’s profound impact as the figurehead of the many facets of his pastoral ministry. Members of the congregation, as well as senior pastors and leaders from various parts of the country, came together to express their admiration for a fellow leader who has dedicated his life to serving God with diligence and devotion.
Speaker after speaker reflected on Bishop Mahlakgane’s exemplary character, as well as his evangelistic ministry – which they’ve been privileged to have walked together. One such is Norman Mkhonza, secretary general of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP), whose speech eloquently captured the essence of the remarkable man in our presence. “He has shown humility, he has humbled himself, and has served the ACDP incredibly well, making sure that the righteous men and women of God serve this nation with honour.”
Like many speakers before him, Mkhonza painted a vivid portrait of Bishop Mahlakgane’s selfless leadership, notably his profound impact on and off the pulpit – also as a civil servant – stating: “He didn’t expect a cent from us, sometimes we did not even pay him, but he’ll drive his own car to come to Alberton and interview public office bearers.” He added: “For that – ‘Christ in you’ – may you continue to be kept not only for the ACDP, not only for your ministry, not only for your family, but for South Africa — because revival starts in South Africa.”
The gathering also marked the launch of his profoundly inspiring and wisdom-rich motivational book, aptly titled ‘Talking to Your Own Self‘. As described and endorsed by Reverend Mortimer Mannya from the Church of Nazarene in Gamothiba, a member of the New Life Family Ministries International, an interdenominational organisation Bishop Mahlakgane founded, through which he has, to date, mentored over 200 pastors, the book offers a unique glimpse into the making of great and godly leader.
Mannya recomends it to “young ministers and anyone looking to deepen their understanding of leadership and ministry”.
For those wondering what the book ‘Talking to Your Own Self‘ essentially epitomises, Pastor William Letshedi, in his speech, spoke at length about the perfect timing of the book — coming in an era when preserving our history and documenting our lived experiences, with the aim of leaving a legacy for future generations, can not be stressed good enough.
“I thank you for writing this book, and bringing us the wisdom you’ve gathered in life, in ministry, your familiar and for raising up not only your own children, but many pastors and healthy families that we see today,” he said.
The wealthiest spot on this PLANET is not the diamond mines of South Africa. It’s not the oil fields of Iran or Iraq. It’s not the uranium mines of the soviet unions. IT’s not the sea full of the oceans. The WEALTHIEST spot on this earth is right in your neIghboURhood – the cemetery (because buried in the cemetery are dreams never fulfilled, books never written, ideas that Never became reality)
Myles Munroe
In his partying words, Pastor Letshedi borrowed largely from Myles Munroe’s famous quote – in which he called the graveyard the richest place on earth – reminding us that the deepest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose. “I want to take this opportunity to thank you for robbing the graveyard of its riches,” he said, adding: “We have it all documented in this book today, and with it, our generation, and the ones to come will immensely benefit.”
Additionally, Lerato Mahlakgane, his lastborn daughter, thanked both her parents for always supporting her and her siblings, and most importantly for teaching them to centre prayer in everything they do.
“My parents always taught us everything about faith, we don’t know anything else apart from that. We’ve been taught that if we’re going through situations, struggles, in everything ‘you pray’. When you’re celebrating you pray, when you’re crying, you pray. There’s nothing that we do outside of prayer.”
The making of: Talking to Your Own Self

For some people, talking to yourself can be seen as an abnormal behaviour, which can even be reduced to mental instability. To the contrary, talking to yourself out loud in an instructional way – and also motivational – can speed up cognitive abilities in relation to problem solving and managing difficult performance task, as shown in this study: Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Better still, in his book, Bishop Mahlakgane takes this often dreaded concept to a whole new level, “focusing more on the qualities and the skills of talking to yourself,” he says during his brief address. “Sometimes you don’t need people to talk to, but you need a confrontational dialogue with yourself.
“There are times when I talk to myself when I’m driving, when I’m silent — and I’m crying and speaking to myself. One of the greatest leaders that I learnt from said ‘the most influential and impactful sermon is when it works for you first. When it makes you to cry, to kneel down, you are going to get the same result with your audience’,” Bishop Mahlakgane said, adding: “Talking to yourself is not always crazy, it’s not madness. David (in the Bible) spoke to himself and said ‘bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name’.”
To elaborate further on how ‘self-talk’ can positively impact one’s life, he made reference to the ‘prodigal son’, one of the parables of Jesus in the Bible (Luke 15:17 — BibleHub). “For him to be restored, he had a meeting and a dialogue with himself. When life pitted him to the ground, he said (loose translation) ‘why should I stay here, yet in my father’s house there’s plenty?’. And he said, ‘I will arise and go to my father.” This, he said, demonstrates why as people looking to unlock the potential within ourselves and create the life we want, “we need to have a meeting with your own self.”
The book, he explained, is also a heartfelt tribute to the indomitable spirit of his late daughter, Boitumelo, who faced life with courage despite being born with a medical condition known as transient tachypnea, which occurs in babies born with extra fluid in their lungs. “They said she had too much water in her lungs but she fought hard … she fought until she won that battle,” the proud father of three said.
“When she was born, she fell down on her face,” he recounts, “and her head was supposed to be crushed, but she only messed up her one eye. She survived. She is the leader in herself, that is why we believe that she’s a great leader even after she’s gone.”
To many’s surprise, he announced – as he wrapped up the program – that the books were sold out, and this should simply tell you one thing; that ‘Talking To Your Own‘ is bound to become a success.
It would appear, in that regard, Pastor Letshedi was within reason to make this proclamation to the packed church: “Here’s the beauty about the book that we’re celebrating today; it’s that it will reach the people you’ve never been able to reach. People in the UK, people in Brazil, and everywhere in the world will have their lives impacted while you’re here in Polokwane.”
To secure a copy and make sure you’re not left out, contact ( book order) +27 83 464 4368 / familyworshipcentercathedral.co.za.
About: Bishop Mahlakgane
A graduate of the Apostolic Faith Mission’s Central Bible College in Pretoria, Bishop Mahlakgane spent the larger part of his ministry life as an evangelist, running crusades and traveling all over the world.

He and his wife of 40 years, Apostle Mmabakwena Agnes Mahlakgane, have been in the ministry for over four decades, tirelessly preaching the gospel – through the old age, Biblical Paul concept of church planting.
Secret formula to building an exemplary pastoral ministry
As a ministry that places the utmost importance on fostering the holistic well-being of families, the Bishop shared one of his secret formulas for building a successful ministry.
“I always say to our pastors in the network, allow your wives to correct you when you’re wrong. Don’t say ‘I am a man … I am a man of God. Certain things our wives can see them better than ourselves.”