The usefulness of African medicinal plants in modern times, along with endless glowing testimonials from patients who swear by their healing power, is proving hard to ignore as efforts to flatten Covid-19 curve continues.
Thanks to the dedication of renowned SA traditional herbalist Mpho Makhado, who founded RevMed (short for Revival Medication) Traditional Hospital in Limpopo back in 2013 as a way of paying it forward for “his God-given gift”, ensuring in the process the protection of not only traditional medicine but the cultural heritage of indigenous people in the face of acculturation – or simply put globalisation.
A well-coordinated multi-specialised practice reaching all corners of the globe, the practice has never been busier with people seeking help for various ailments. It has been talk of the town in its native South Africa and beyond for what Makhado refers to as “explosive traditional herbs” that have proved effective in the treatment of various chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer as well as male erectile dysfunction and period pains among others.
This has, furthermore, helped prove the effectiveness of traditional health care / alternatives more precisely in treating Covid-19 symptoms. “Traditional healing is something I was born with. I inherited it from my mother,” Makhado said, adding: “Much as some people have skepticism on traditional medicine and herbs, history has also proven that these herbs work best. Since Covid-19, we have helped quite a lot of people in fighting this pandemic and many other diseases.”
Having been born in a family where her mother was a traditional healer, upon his mother’s death he discovered that he too was “uniquely gifted” with same calling to heal. He then underwent a process of becoming a traditional healer and herbalist, specialising in astrology and African medicinal herbs.

Well before Covid-19 was declared a National Disaster by SA government in March 2020, RevMed was already ahead with advanced medicine that has proved successful in treating respiratory problems. Communities have since began showing interest in procuring these herbs.
The hospital prides itself as one of the most successful indigenous-led health cares globally, thanks to a long list of clientele from all over South Africa and Africa as a whole, as well as overseas countries such as Australia and the United States of America.
Exclusive Q&A with renowned SA herbalist Mpho Makhado
A force to be reckoned with in indigenous African medicine, in the Q&A below, Makhado speaks to NOWinSA about RevMed’s solid track record with glowing testimonials, what sets him apart from other traditional herbalists and more.
Takes us through your role at Revmed?
I am a herbalist and the president of RevMed Traditional Hospital, which is home to various manner of traditional medical specialists.
How is hospital managing the growing Covid-19 cases?
The hospital helps people who are suffering from Covid-19 by selling them traditional herbs and steaming them when they visit the hospital. We also administer to our patients, our in-house traditional remedy which helps prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus from or to others.
Traditional herbal medicine continues to attract its fair share of praise and criticism. What are some of the misconceptions you’ve had to deal with, and how can that be corrected?
I would honestly say it’s up to an individual and what his/her beliefs are. What I know and can testify to without any shadow of doubt is that traditional medicine works, and it keeps on producing positive results for majority of people – both blacks and whites.

Without revealing too much, I would say some of our strongest points lie in the kind of indigenous knowledge possessed by our senior healers, and the amount of research they’ve put and continue to in their work.”
Can African traditional and Western medicines co-exist?
In my own opinion, the two can not work together; they can only recognise each other as operation systems from different worlds.
How can patients or families of those needing traditional medical attention reach you?
They reach us through our online store on Alternatively you can interact with us on our social media pages as listed below:
Rev Med on Facebook, @Revmed_Traditional_Herbs on Instagram, or WhatsApp on +72 0336 067.
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