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Get to know: businessman Abi Mazibuko, aka the ‘big kahuna’ of sales and marketing in South Africa

Abi Mazibuko, South Africa's top selling self-help author and a distinguished sales and marketing specialist with multiple business interests in telecommunications and property, shares some handy masterclass on starting and running a successful business, and notably, the importance of equipping a new generation of growth-driven entrepreneurs.

Meet 33 year old South African businessman the founder of AJ Technology and Telecommunications, Abi Mazibuko.

A distinguished sales and marketing specialist with multiple business interests  in property and telecommunications among others, he is also a motivational speaker whose motivational seminars attract thousands of attendees.

Relentless in his commitment to making a difference and equipping a new generation of growth-driven entrepreneurs, Mazibuko is a best-selling author. His self-help book, “The Art Of Selling” is regarded as the marketing and sales “bible” for young movers and shakers looking to take their sales skills and businesses at large to the next level.

Fellow SA businessman and author Zareef Minty sat down with Mazibuko to get some handy masterclass on starting and running a successful business, as well as the importance of

Who is Abi Mazibuko?

Abi is a God-fearing husband, father of two and an entrepreneur who founded AJ Technologies & Telecommunications with offices in multiple African countries. I’m also an author of the international best-seller, The Art of Selling. My biggest passion, a results-driven motivational speaker

What inspired you to become a businessman and an innovator?

In the beginning, it was about making a success of my life and earning lots of money. But the deeper I went down the business rabbit hole, I came to one, important surprising realisation. That my job satisfaction was not from money and positions and material acquisitions. It was from watching a young man or woman morphing from a doubtful, awkward chancer, to a confident success-driven force in the industry of their choosing. Then looking into their eyes knowing that I had a hand in their success. Direct or indirect. That became my motivating force. Be the success you want to see in others. Make them believe anything is possible by achieving the impossible yourself. It’s like absorbing divine power from the universe by sharing your God-given powers with others.

Abi Mazibuko is the co-founder of AJ Technologies.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I want to pave the way frankly speaking. Create a system that focuses the vision of your future to, in due course, manifest as reality. A motivational philanthropist that young people think; “when I’m successful, that’s what I want to be doing for people” type of guy.

Who do you look up to?

Grant Cardone. “Success is not an option” is one of my life mantras.

What advice do you have for the thousands of young people who look up to you?

Remain hungry, the moment you are full, you have no desire to succeed. A hungry person breaks barriers and climbs mountains.

What do you think of entrepreneurship in South Africa?

We need revitalisation. Our current crop of entrepreneurs does not teach anybody how to fish. Rather, they’re content to show you how many fish they’ve accumulated in their lifetime. The economic downturn we’re going through right now has financially disenfranchised many young people. We need to bring back the philosophy of each one teach one. Those of us who have made it past the turbulent waters have the power to turn our country’s fortunes around. One way to do that is to train and educate future entrepreneurs, to. build from the ground up.

“We need to bring back the philosophy of each one teach one” – Abi Mazibuko

What is the one quote that you live by?

Life is a hustle, so whatever you do just keep on hustling.

Is mentorship important when starting a business?

Mentorship is like having a friend who doesn’t care about your feelings. But rather has the dreadful task of telling you the truth to save you from digging a deeper hole for yourself. Someone who guides you in the right direction after making you cry because your family stroked your ego so much that you can’t believe your world-changing idea was not the unquestionably perfect concept that you convinced yourself it was. So, to finally answer the question, mentorship is extremely important in business.

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