DID YOU know that Logic Pro X is great for creating music beats from scratch, with some pretty good features such as the brush tool and smart tempo – all tailor made to help on making good hip hop/rap or even house music, especially if you are a beginner? What about learning how to sketch tattoos from scratch and even draw, paint and translate your sketches and portraits from paper into the digital realm with ease in no time?
Furthermore, iPad Pro and Macbook owners can take simple photographs – using Astropad or Procreate – turn them into watercolor sketches and make them look like real pigment on paper. These and more are just some of the hidden things and useful secrets you can discover upon attending the iStore Meets session at participating iStores nationwide.

iStore Meets will be hosted by a variety of industry experts and entertainment personalities with amazing skills to share in photography, video, music, coding, art and health to name a few. “Our goal with iStore Meets is to enrich peopleâs lives by creating a platform where you can learn from the best – whether you want to try something new, be inspired to do something different or take your passions further,â says Chris Dodd, iStore CEO.
Kicking off a series of 3 skill imparting sessions at 10.30am on Saturday, August 24 is the information-packed iStore Meets Nico Nel session. The Johannesburg-based content expert will show attendees how to craft compelling video stories as well as make edits and add graphics in Final Cut Pro X, known to offer a lot of advanced features missing from the video editing app iMovie, including support for UHD 4K media. Next up at 11.30am is South Africaâs own queen of rock, Karen Zoid, who will take audiences through how her music fits in into the changing digital landscape of music discovery.

The final session is at 3pm and will see Cape Town based photographer, Jono Ferreira, exploring ways to create more visually appealing content for your social media profiles using iPhone and iPad Pro. For those looking for effective ways to draw attention to their messages, he will show them how to experiment with framing, grading and illustration using Procreate and Adobe Draw.
Producer/ DJ Prince KB’s turn is at 6pm on Saturday, September 14. The self taught DJ and hitmaker will show attendees how to create a house beat using Logic Pro X. Recommended for all skill levels, he will also talk about his musical journey and share his formula to creating platinum selling hits.
More hidden iPhone, iPad hacks in store
Other sessions to look forward to include the iStore Meet Harmonix on September 21. The much-loved Johannesburg iPhoneographer, real name Harmonix Phiri, will share useful photographer skills using editing Apps like Snapseed, VSCO, Light Room and Face Tune.

The iStore Meets Thys Uys with the renowned tattoo artist from the Fallen Heroes Tattoo studio in Parkhust, Johannesburg is scheduled to take place on September 28. Intended to prove just how the iPad Pro (using Procreate) comes significantly close to bringing digital art to the same level as analog art, he will take attendees through the processes of fine tuning images – like adding shadows and curves to create more depth.
Introduced to iPad as a toddler, DJ Arch Jnr is also on the bill. The 7-year old will show guests how to mix tracks using a DJ app, a critical skill that can take you as far as spinning the decks on the America’s Got Talent stage where he stole the attention of one Simon Cowell. Is he for real? Book your seat here to find out for yourself!
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